Static Versus Dynamic Pallet Racking Systems

To properly utilize any storage space, you need to invest in pallet racking. However, it isn’t easy to develop a good storage area just because you have great products. You need solid pallet racking systems in place and a detailed layout to truly get the maximum usage of the space. To come up with a good layout, knowledge of the different kinds of pallet racking is necessary. This knowledge starts with static vs. dynamic pallet racking systems and how you can effectively utilize them.

Static Pallet Racking

A static pallet racking is a racking system built to handle unmoving or static loads. These are made to act more as shelves to products and can carry heavy loads. It provides easy access to the shelves and all of the products and is one of the most common types of racking. Static pallet racking can carry a variety of goods at the same time due to their adjustable heights and shelving.

Dynamic Pallet Racking

Dynamic pallet racking is a system built to move goods using gravity. Through the use of rollers and inclines, objects and goods travel downwards to other positions by flowing with gravity. This has multiple different functions in storage. A common use is to create a dynamic pallet racking system that automatically shifts inventory to a reachable location as you remove it from the racking, which gives better access to stored products.

How To Use Static and Dynamic Racking

The uses of the two kinds of racking are different but one isn’t simply better than the other. Static racking is able to carry a heavier load and is gentler to the products it holds. Dynamic racking is better at efficiency and can move goods for workers, requiring less effort and workers to run your storage. Because they both have different usages, it’s important to know what your specific needs are and to come up with a good layout.

Planning Your Layout

Designing a storage area isn’t an easy task as it requires a bit of creativity and a lot of knowledge. To start off, you’ll need to know the cubic area of your storage space to know what you have to work with. Once you know that, start planning your layout of your warehouse pallet racking system. Keep in mind the 25 percent rule: only use 25 percent of the space as storage or your workers won’t have enough room to get inventory safely. Aside from the 25 percent rule, there are many other things to consider. Here are just a few of them.

Load Rating

Each pallet of product has two load ratings referring to what it can handle. One is dynamic load rating and the other is static load rating.

  • Dynamic load rating refers to the amount a pallet can carry while in motion. This is usually lower than static load rating.
  • Static load rating is the load capacity if a pallet as it is not moving. This is usually higher as the load is properly supported by whatever is beneath it.

When you’re planning your area, you need to keep these pallet racking load limits in mind. You don’t want to go over the limit because ignoring these ratings increases the possibility for worker injuries and broken racking.

Static Versus Dynamic Pallet Racking Systems

Deciding whether to use static racking or dynamic racking comes down to your product needs.

  • As stated before, dynamic racking is a bit more efficient for workers and processing items. However, it has a hard time handling product for long times nor does it carry loads as heavy as static racking. As the dynamic racking uses gravity for its movement, fragile goods risk getting damaged as they move through the device.
  • Static racking is capable of handling those goods for a long time and is great for storage of heavy and bulky items. It’s built to allow the use of forklifts as well to reach higher shelves. Static racking is a solid tool for any storage facility, but it does have its limits. As new inventory arrives, the old inventory is pushed back. This means that items put in first will come out last as the new items bury the older products. Dynamic racking often has a first-in, first-out processing style. No part of the static racking can function by itself, which means that a person or machine will need to move and process every piece of inventory.

Although one is free to use whichever type of racking best suits them, it’s beneficial to use both types of racking systems in your storage facility. Often, mixing the two together will produce good results for productivity and maximizing the storage space.

Types of Static Racking

To help come up with a good layout, it’s necessary to know your options within each type of racking.

  1. Rolled Form Pallet Rack. This kind of racking is the most common type of static racking. It’s a medium strength rack that can hold a lot while being customized to your needs. It’s also cheaper than heavy duty racking.
  2. Structural Pallet Rack. This is a heavy-duty rack that has been wielded together to allow it to carry heavy loads. It’s built to help forklifts grab items without damage. These racks are ideal for storage in harsh environments, such as cold outdoor weather.
  3. Drive-in Racks. These racks store large amounts of goods in a high-density storage area. They handle large goods that can stack several layers high and process in a first-in, last-out manner. Increase your storage capacity by 40 percent with our drive-in racks.

Types of Dynamic Racking

These are several types of dynamic racking that can feature in your storage areas.

  1. Carton or Case-Flow Racks. You’ll want a carton or case-flow rack when you need rapid processing of smaller items to be sent out to customers. Items flow towards an operator who fulfills the orders as needed as the next product can come down the rack.
  2. Pallet Flow Racks. These feature roller lanes on a slight decline. Once a pallet load is on the roller lane, it will flow to a pallet stop. This will help when processing items that need to rotate often.
  3. Push Back Racks. Push back racks easily handle high-density storage. The items are pushed into the racks and the other items make way for the newer inventory. This keeps the worker and the forklift safe outside of the racking system.
Static Versus Dynamic Pallet Racking
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